
Make and Save Money

People spend a lot of money which can actually be saved for the odd times. Everyone loves the money. If you are walking on the road you will find the $100 note, you become happy. All these moments make us wish if we could continue finding more free money! Following are the some ways in which you get the free money; this Post makes your wish come true.

1 Company Match

There are company matches that offer employees 401k contributions. Companies match a dollar for dollar up to five percent. People often loose on the opportunity of matches because they narrowly know if their owner still keep the 401k matches or not. You need to know if your company provides that match and what is the necessary percent. . Also are you living up to that percentage also or no.

2 Rebates

When you have an opportunity for a rebate, do not forget to get the chance by sending in the form along with proof of buying and receiving. Who knows you may be surrounded by the lucky few who get the funds of the refund.

3 Lucky Draw

There are many companies offer to there customer to buy any things any get the bumper prize by Draw. So don’t for get it some time there offer the get the great profit. There are also companies to attract customers many companies also launch lucky draws to promote their product. If you happen to come across such an opportunity, do not miss it and make the contribution in these lucky draw and get bumper prize. So next time, never miss out a lucky draw.

4 Savings Account

Saving account is one of the best accounts to earn free money. Why leave large amount of money staying moribund in a current account when you can easily get 10% or possibly even more on a savings account. Every 10% earned ads up to a little extra money, which you might eventually need one day.

5 Budget

Budget is also one of the most activities which save the money. Now many people would cry out on this word, but not to close the eyes to the fact that it has worked wonders for people who have adopted a proper written budget. Why go and purchase manufactured goods for $50 when you can advantage the same product under a price tag of $40. There are lots and lots of budgeting schemes out there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice hints, it is always nice to get some new input about saving money because everybody wants to do that. I am also bartering my stuff on, i save a lot of money with trading things, you should try it...